Below is a compilation of the most interesting reading I've come across in the past few months:
Warren Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway
A dozen things Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger learned from See's Candies: 25IQ
Warren Buffett's early investments: Latticework
GEICO: The “Growth Company” that made the “Value Investing” careers of both Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett: Wedgewood Partners
Warren Buffett turns out to be more prescient about stocks than politics: Fortune
Bill Gates on Warren, Bridge, Business Analysis and Tennis: Hurricane Capital
Yahoo Finance to Live Stream Buffett, Pickens, Soros at the 2016 Concordia Summit: Yahoo Finance
Graham and Doddsville Fall 2016 Issue: Columbia Business School
The story of the self destruction of Deutsche Bank: Spiegel
Jeff Bezos interview with Charlie Rose: Valueinvestingworld
Jeff Bezos shares his management style and philosophy: Youtube
What Does Nevada’s $35 Billion Fund Manager Do All Day? Nothing: WSJ
Warren Buffett turns out to be more prescient about stocks than politics: Fortune
Bill Gates on Warren, Bridge, Business Analysis and Tennis: Hurricane Capital
Yahoo Finance to Live Stream Buffett, Pickens, Soros at the 2016 Concordia Summit: Yahoo Finance
Graham and Doddsville Fall 2016 Issue: Columbia Business School
The story of the self destruction of Deutsche Bank: Spiegel
Jeff Bezos interview with Charlie Rose: Valueinvestingworld
Jeff Bezos shares his management style and philosophy: Youtube
What Does Nevada’s $35 Billion Fund Manager Do All Day? Nothing: WSJ
Warren Buffett said this Jamie Dimon interview was off the charts: Yahoo Finance
Berkshire Hathaway BNSF railroad purchase shines bright in hindsight: Bloomberg
Warren Buffett's Berkshire makes surprise U.S. airline bet: Reuters
Buffett's three categories of return on capital: Base Hit Investing
How to invest like Warren Buffett hero Phil Carret: Telegraph
Ted Weschler likes Apple's subscription element: Valuewalk
JP Morgan Chase names Todd Combs to board of directors: Bloomberg
University of Maryland meeting with Warren Buffett: David Kass
Playbook interview with Warren Buffett: Politico
What Warren Buffett likes about cash: Barrons
WSJ article on Buffett from 1977: WSJ
Alice Shroeder's 1999 sell side report on Berkshire Hathaway: Dropbox
Big Problems Big Thinkers Episode 3: The Values Crisis: Bloomberg
One on One with Warren Buffett after the election: Youtube
BRK Shareholders Panel (Part 1): "Why did you buy Berkshire Hathaway stock?": Youtube
Berkshire Hathaway Symposium Panel 2: Youtube
Lawrence Cunningham: Keynote Address at the Berkshire Hathaway 50th Anniversary Symposium: Youtube
Ted Weschler makes his mark: Institutional Investor
Warren Buffett and Ajit Jain launching Berkshire Insurance: Youtube
Guy Spier and Mohnish Pabrai
Mohnish Pabrai Lecture at Peking University: Youtube
Mohnish Pabrai's hedge fund interview guide: Sumzero
Why Mohnish Pabrai likes GM, Fiat, and Southwest: Barrons
Bill Gates
Bill Gates book recommendation - The Gene: Gates Notes
Bill Gates: A Perfume that Smells Like Poop?: Gates Notes
Why I love this cutting edge school design: Gates Notes
Bill Gates on clean energy, Trump, and stocks: CNBC
Bill Gates addressing India's top policymakers: Youtube
Bill Gates favorite books of 2016: Gatesnotes
Great Investors:
David Einhorn's Q3 letter: Valuewalk
James Chanos and Kyle Bass speak with Bethany McLean at Vanity Fair's New Establishment Summit on the global economy and stock markets: Vanity Fair
Oaktree's Howard Marks on his investment process: Bloomberg
The Legacy of Benjamin Graham: Youtube
Baupost Group's Seth Klarman "It's a great time to be a value investor": 2009 Outstanding Investor Digest
Seth Klarman at the Ivey Business School in 2009: Youtube
Capitalize for Kids Conference notes: Marketfolly
Five lessons from Peter Lynch: Latticework
How Wells Fargo dressed up earnings: Barrons
Brian Moynihan on Charlie Rose: Charlie Rose
Jim Chanos on the Trump election and stocks: Bloomberg
My good friend Shaurya Gupta's essay on value investing: Genzvalueinvestor
Don't confused cheap with value: Broyhill Asset Management
Harvard's endowment called lazy, fat and stupid: Bloomberg
Elon Musk: Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species: Youtube
How to Raise a Genius: Lessons from a 45-Year Study of Super Smart Children: Scientific American
The activist playbook is nearly 90 years old — and the first chapter was written by Warren Buffett's mentor: Business Insider
500 years of bubbles panics and manias: Valuewalk