I included videos, transcript notes and just a few articles of commentary, in this compilation. There were hundreds of articles published on the Berkshire Hathaway Annual meeting and most just comment on what Buffett and Munger said in the meeting. I think it’s much more worthwhile to just read the transcripts and skip the analysis by journalists. I tried to include only links that are worth your time to read or watch. This is only a fraction of the information published on the annual meetings.
Wesco Annual Meeting Notes:
The best meeting notes from InnoculatedInvestor.blogspot.com
Berkshire Annual Meeting Notes:
The notes I posted on Tuesday and by far the best notes from the 2010 annual meeting.
More annual meeting notes. These include comments on the Berkshire Movie.
Warren Buffett Interviews:
Transcript of a recent CNBC interview
Warren Buffett: All Our Businesses Seeing a Big Upswing in March - Fox April 30th
FOX: Warren Buffett - I don’t see anything wrong with Goldman.
FOX: Gates, Buffett on Burlington Northern Deal
FOX: Buffett, Munger Gates on derivatives and more
FOX: Gates, Munger and Buffett on Financial Regulation
FOX: Gates, Buffett on Burlington Deal
FOX: Gates, U.S. Has Best System for Entrepreneurs
FOX: Gates, Buffett, on Berkshire succession
CBS: Buffett, On the housing recovery
Buffett: What needs to change
Charlie Munger Interviews:
26 min interview with Munger on CNBC
Berkshire's Munger Interview on Goldman, Regulation
Interviews with Berkshire Hathaway executives and other links of interest:
Markel Annual Meeting Notes -By Innoculatedinvestor.blogspot.com
Peter Buffett (Warren Buffett's Son) Talks To TYT
Berkshire Hathaway Earnings Release