Saturday, November 24, 2007

Yellow BRK'er Party Information Details (Friday, May 2, 2008)

My Friend Shai Dardashti asked me to pass this on to all of you:

Yellow BRK'er Party Information:

2008 Meet & Greet Happy Hour

Date: Friday, May 2, 2008Time: 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Place: DoubleTree Hotel, Omaha

Berkshire Hathaway shareholders from all online communities are welcome.

If you feel most comfortable wearing a suit, go for it. With that said, it's Omaha; please feel under no such obligation. This is a casual atmosphere, with light snacks available. It's a "happy hour" type of gathering - not a formal dinner or anything of that sort.

The DoubleTree is located on 16th and Dodge. There may be some street parking, otherwise, one can use the parking garage with an entrance from the South at 16th & Dodge street, just east of the First National Bank.


Directions to venue:

About Yellow BRK'ers:

2008 Official Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting Press Release: